
Language Translator

India is a land of different cultures. Within 29 states and 7 union territories, you will find citizens in India speaking over 1,700 different languages. That can be daunting for a tourist traveling with a medical condition.

To help you break this barrier, New-Lyf offers language translators that can get you through these awkward and difficult encounters. These translators are highly trained and possess knowledge of the vast pool of languages.

Depending on your base country, we will allocate a language translator that can understand and speak your mother tongue fluently. Then, we will match the same translator’s skills to the local language where you will land in India for your medical treatment so that the translator can communicate efficiently and effectively on your behalf.

These local interpreters will be vetted under our team’s supervision. New-Lyf’s team will run thorough background checks on these individuals before they are allocated to you, to ensure safety for you and your fellow companions.

You can always reach out to our Customer Care if you are unsatisfied with the services or the translator. Our team will analyze the situation quickly and provide you a replacement as soon as possible to resolve your grievances.