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What is Ayush? Advantages of Ayurveda and the 6 Techniques of AYUSH

Originated in India, Ayurveda goes back thousands of years back. Ayurveda’s concept is to put emphasis in the prevention of ailments in order to eliminate the need of treatments for diseases. Ayurveda has become increasingly admired across the globe and has been very successful since its time. This increase in global popularity prompted companies across the world to systematically conduct research and develop ayurvedic medicines decades ago. Ayurvedic medicines and procedure aims at treating the root cause of the disease.

Originated from India, Ayurveda spread in other South East Asian countries of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal, and in recent years significant number of patients from the western countries are also turning to Ayurveda as an alternate medicine to cure their bodies.

Internal cleaning through alternations in diet, herbal combinations, exercises, herbs, medicines are a few customized methods Ayurveda experts use to treat their patients.

What is AYUSH?

AYUSH is an Indian system of medical system and is an abbreviation of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. AYUSH is a non-allopathic medical system.

Here are a few advantages of AYUSH:

  • AYUSH is a low-cost method of medication, especially in remote and far-flung areas
  • AYUSH is one extremely effective for lifestyle diseases like hypertension and diabetes
  • AYUSH is the natural way of treatment, hence reduces the side effects compared to other methods significantly
  • Yoga helps in tackling severe problems of tobacco and drug abuse
  • AYUSH provides the best care to aged patients

6 types of techniques involved in AYUSH are:

  • Diet Therapy:As AYUSH is a natural therapy, the diet therapy emphasizes on consuming natural food. The diet usually includes fresh green leafy vegetables, fresh seasonal fruits and sprouts.
  • Fasting Therapy:Fasting is the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink or both for a period of time. The duration of the fast depends on the age of the patient, the nature of the disease, and the amount and type of drugs previously consumed.
  • Mud Therapy:

One of the 5 elements of nature, mud has an immense impact on a body in both health and sickness. For skin diseases and wounds, application of mud is the only true bandage. The effects of mud on a body is refreshing, vitalizing and invigorating.

  • Hydrotherapy:Branch of Nature Cure, Hydrotherapy is the treatment of disorders via different types of water. Hydrotherapy uses temperature effect of water in all forms of solid, liquid, steam to a large extent with hot and cold baths, wraps, saunas etc.
  • Massotherapy:Massotherapy is done through massages. Massage helps to tone up the nervous system, quickens the elimination of poisons and waste material from the body, influences respiration positively through organs like skin, kidney, lungs and bowels.
  • Acupressure:

    Acupressure is an ancient form of healing through applying physical pressure with fingers or blunt objects to energy stored points with the aim of clearing blockages and to stimulate body’s natural abilities.

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